Henschke Out of School Hours Care Inc (HOOSHC) aims to provide a happy, safe and caring environment for primary school aged children. We believe in providing a fun, supportive environment where everyone feels welcome.
Deliver a high quality and inclusive program that fosters development of skills, including social and emotional with a focus on the holistic wellbeing of each child
Provide families and the community with flexible childcare that meets their needs
Foster individual children’s strengths, abilities and interests through the provision of developmentally appropriate play and learning experiences, while having fun
Maintain sound business and financial management practices
our programs
Before & After
School Care
Before School Care allows children to socialise and participate in activities in a calm, relaxed environment. As they arrive they can choose from activities such as board & card games, puzzles, colouring & drawing sheets, construction and other toys or activities such as craft. Children can enjoy a breakfast of toast, cereal and on bitterly cold mornings a cup of hot chocolate is a warming treat!
After School Care serves as a transition between school and home. As well as having varied and healthy afternoon teas, children can participate in a variety of spontaneous and planned activities, indoors in the Hall and outdoors in the spacious playgrounds. The daily routines encourage active play, quiet time during which children can relax and refresh after a busy day, and activities that stimulate learning in a fun environment.
Vacation Care programs are held every school holiday period, with each day having planned activities based on a theme, as well as time for children to select their own activities and enjoy free play.
Themes vary according to the seasons and children’s interests, and often include excursions to local venues. Popular activities form the core of the program and we include as much variety as possible to cater for interest and skill levels.
HOOSHC caters for up to 98 children attending each session, with the exception of excursion days when there are less children in attendance, with higher staff ratios to ensure adequate supervision and safety.
Places are filled in accordance with the Australian Government priority rankings.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is available for eligible families through Services Australia
HOOSHC is a separate entity to Henschke Catholic Primary School (HCPS).